Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A NEW SEASON - by Christian Oey

Another year, another decade passes us by. At this time of year, I usually think about what I have learned from the year that has just gone by, what I would have done differently, what I would like to continue doing, and what I would never do again! I have heard it said that life is full of regrets, but I beg to differ. Life is full of lessons, and it is what you do with those lessons that will determine your future.

I recently read a story about a guy called Rick Roosin, a man who had a limited formal education and very little business experience. He faced negativities and difficulties all his life. Nevertheless, he wanted to change. As he put it, "I knew for things to change I had to change. For things to get better, I had to get better." How true is that statement?

Rick started going to AA (Alcoholics Anonymous), where he learned one of the life principles I truly believe in and subscribe to - that you CAN have everything in life you want if you will just help other people get what they want. He learned that in order for him to stay sober, he had to work with others to help them stay sober. In AA, as part of the program you are on call at midnight, or 3am when someone who is "off the sauce", but is tempted to get back on, calls to get help from someone who had a similar problem but has successfully beaten that problem one day at a time.

Sober drunks sometimes stay up all night, encouraging and talking with their fellows who are struggling with a compulsion to drink. Person after person will testify that the only way they can stay sober is to help someone else stay sober.

This was Rick's first step to a better life. He said something quite profound - "I developed some faith in the future and shut the door on my past." For two years he drove around in a bomb of a car, rented an old house, and even had to rent out some of the rooms in the house to help cover the rent each month. In the meantime he started listening to motivational CDs and got interested in better health. He lost weight and became as fit as he could be. He even started reading the daily positive affirmations that came with his motivational CDs. Rick was on a mission to change the course of his destiny.

In the process of all this, his belief system changed completely. He went from thinking he was not worth $500 a week to believing he was worth $25,000 a week. Today, his income is measured in the many hundreds of thousands each year. He lives in a million dollar home, wears nice clothes, and has all the things that everyone says they want. But best of all, he sums it up by saying, "The important thing is I have a wife and two beautiful kids, and I have more delight in my family than any other phase in my life. I wake up, I look forward to what I'm going to do that day. I love my life. I love the people around me."

Rick came from a many-generation dysfunctional family, from divorce, debt, alcoholism, child abuse, etc. But he changed his direction in every area of his life - physically, mentally and spiritually. The results have been astonishing.
Here is the point. Failure is only an event, not a person. If you don't like who you are and where you are in life, don't worry. You are not stuck there. You can grow. You can change.

Remember that you are what you are and where you are because of what has gone into that space between your ears. You can simply change what you are and where you are by changing what goes into your mind. Psychologist Shad Helmstetter summed up what I am trying to say with this statement:

"You can't change from a negative mind-set to a positive mind-set without changing from negative talking to positive talking. To do that, you must first change the input to your mind from negative to positive."

You can start from where you are right now and follow the steps of Rick Roosin. They will take you to where you want to be. That is, only if you want to.

7 Easy Steps to Change Your Life Completely:

1. Identify the problem.
2. Get treatment for the problem
3. Help others out of the problem - encouragement, friendship and support is priceless.
4. Change what goes into your mind. Newspapers are informative, however there is also a lot of doom and gloom in the papers (in order to sell more papers!), so choose what you read in the paper. Get some positive information into you.
Reading and re-reading my bi-monthly blogs are a great start (also available via our website (, follow me on Twitter, read motivational books (give fictional books a break).
5. Start saying good things about yourself, your future. You can do this in the shower, in the car, while you exercise.
6. Get healthy - when you don’t feel healthy you don't feel good. When you don't feel good you are not motivated to do anything. Remember Christmas Day when you ate too much and you couldn't move afterwards? Mmmmm.
7. Change the way you think about yourself. Stop thinking of yourself as a loser, a failure, a waste of space, and insignificant. You were created for a purpose. Find your purpose and live it out.

Success is not accidental. You are not going to accidentally accomplish your dreams. You are not going to accidentally pass your exams, or lose weight. You have to have a plan. If you are going to get to the right destination, you have got to know where you are going and how you are going to get there. The above 7 steps are a good starting point for you.

At the start of a brand spanking new year and decade, I urge you to examine where you are in life. What are your goals? What is your plan? Maybe your first goal needs to be to make a plan! Do some research, talk to people who have been successful at what you are trying to do.

People never write books about hearers. They write books about doers. That tells you something. So as this is a new year, a new decade, a new season, why not make a change. I am not talking about a New Year's resolution, I am actually talking about making a life-altering, history making change to your destiny since your life is in your hands to do what you will with it.

Friend, I believe there is a fresh, new and awesome season coming for you. You are about to enter into a season of ease and breakthrough but you will have to play your part. If you have had disappointments in the past decade, do not give up now; I believe something is brewing and this is going to be your best year and decade yet. I am excited for your future and what lies ahead. Things are being turned around in your favour - if you will keep believing, keep standing, and keep hoping; it will not be long before you enter the new season that is in store for you!

Happy New Year - your best days are just around the corner - don't give up!

Kind Regards,
Clickthru Pty Ltd
Christian Oey

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