Saturday, November 21, 2009

FACTual Shampoo TV Ads

Does anyone really digest the facts and figures quoted in shampoo TV ads?

Some of those scientific sounding stats are so out there: "Your hair will be 85% brighter"; "4 in 5 women said their hair was X times, healthier, stronger, bouncier"; "Makes your hair 5 times stronger in just 4 weeks!" etc etc etc!

How do they know, and how can they prove it???

In the past, marketers had to verify all their TVCs' claims, with strict analysis before approval for going on air. So either the ad approvers at FACTS (now FreeTV) have really given up trying, or they've given the shampoo manufacturers carte blanche to have their best shot at boring the viewers into a state of mental lethargy and numbness!

Shampoo is a waste of time and money anyway... Richard Glover got it right on ABC Radio 702 recently when he polled listeners' shampooing habits and unearthed many who no longer used the expensive and ecologically unsound shampoos and conditioners, the bulk of which ended up in the drainage system, and eventually in our oceans.

Most devotees of the non-shampoo regime, reported their hair was as healthy and non-greasy as when they had washed with shampoo... same goes for shaving foam... as reported recently, warm water does a similar if not better job...

The segment had a huge response and ran over several days.

Just think of the money you'll save!

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