Monday, November 16, 2009

My first blog post

Well I set this blog up this afternoon, on the advice of Miguel D'Souza, and so here it is Miguel!

What should I write about I asked? My new job? Our new puppy? My faithful old 1988 300E Mercedes (its just done 300,000kms!)? That's all fairly pedestrian and mundane though.

(I do need a new job as I have been made redundant 3 weeks ago and still have this week to complete my hand-over to the person replacing me... feels like I'm Sean Penn in "Dead Man Walking".)

Tonight my wife and I saw "Mao's Last Dancer" and enjoyed it thoroughly. and we were lucky enough to meet the man himself for a chat. We both have a child with a cochlear implant, so we had quite a lot to discuss!

He is a marketing genius, with great vision. His book is a best seller, and now the movie has been test-marketed in Australia, and wil be rolled out to the US in 2010.

Well done and good luck to him. A brave person, both as a child and now as a father himself. He took on the oppressive and brain-washing Chinese Government in the 70's and won.


  1. Welcome to the blogosphere, Mr Fairlie! Looking forward to pithy insights from deep inside the media universe. Blog on!
